New Zealand
- GDP Nominal: 199.9 billion USD
- Unemployment rate 5.6%
- Population: 4.5 million
- Ease-of-doing-business rank: 2nd
New Zealand is a mixed economy that depends greatly on international trade and is closely aligned with the Australian economy.
The New Zealand economy is usually seen to be successful: It has been ranked first in the world for social progression, which covers such areas as basic human needs, foundations of wellbeing, and the level of opportunity available to its citizens.
However, the generally positive outlook includes some challenges. New Zealand’s income levels, which used to be above those of many other countries in Western Europe prior to the crisis of the 1970s, have dropped in relative terms and are yet to recover.
Direct Selling in New Zealand
- GDP Growth Constant USD 2014: 3%
- YoY Industry Growth Constant USD 2014: -7.8%
Direct Selling in New Zealand is a relatively small market that shares several similarities with Australia, Party-plan being the primary sales method. The industry is worth 216 million USD in 2014 and there are approximately 100,000 Direct Sellers (2.5% of the population).
In 2014 New Zealand has passed new regulations to restrict Door-to-door and telemarketing related activities, as a result, traditional Door-to-door businesses might struggle while major Direct Selling companies may shift to Omni-channel strategies, integrating E-commerce distribution.
Sources: ASENSHIA, World Bank, WFDSA, Euromonitor, Wikipedia