
  • GDP nominal: 529 billion USD
  • Population: 23.4 million
  • Unemployment rate: 4%
  • Ease-of-doing-business rank: 11th

The economy of Taiwan is the 5th largest economy in Asia, ranked 15th in the world by the Global Competitiveness Report of World Economic Forum.

Unlike the neighboring Japan and South Korea, small and medium-sized businesses make up a significant portion of the businesses in Taiwan. Inflation and unemployment are low; the trade surplus is substantial; and foreign reserves are the world's 4th largest.


Direct Selling in Taiwan

  • GDP Growth Constant USD 2014: 3.74%
  • YoY Industry Growth Constant USD 2014: 2.8%

The Taiwanese Direct Selling Industry represented 3.2 billion USD in 2014. With a large portion of its population involved in Direct Selling (approximately 13%), Taiwan is a mature market where the industry and its products have a very positive image among its population.

Foreign based companies such as U.S and Japanese companies account for the majority of the sales. Taiwanese are natural networkers and Multi-level marketing is almost the exclusive form of distribution. A particularity of Taiwan is that almost 2 out of 3 products sold in this country belong to the Wellness category.

Sources: ASENSHIA, World Bank, WFDSA, Euromonitor, Wikipedia

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