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How an independent Direct Selling contractor contacts his/her customer base is known as the sales method or sales approach. The process of selling goods face-to-face away from a fixed retail store location, and eliminating the need for middlemen– wholesalers, advertisers, and retailers–Direct Selling meets customers wherever they are in the …[more]
One of the great misnomers about Direct Selling is that it typically involves pyramid selling and get-rich-quick schemes. Nothing could be further from the truth. The confusion lies in what some Direct Selling companies practice, Multilevel Marketing (MLM). Multilevel Marketing, or network marketing, is a system for selling goods or …[more]
Direct Selling is a unique business. As with most other specialist practices, it comes with its own jargon or glossary of terms. The following outlines Direct Selling’s people, businesses, equipment and general functions. Because language is constantly evolving, some words and phrases do not necessarily carry the same meaning throughout …[more]
“Transferable skills” may be a buzzword when it comes to changing careers, but what talent, smarts, and expertise can non-Direct Selling professionals bring to the table when wanting to enter the industry? Whether you’re a C-suite level executive or a seasoned professional working in another field, your outsider perspective may …[more]
To hire externally, or to promote from within? This question is certainly not unique to the Direct Selling industry. Some professionals believe the point is moot: that talent should override any other factor. While Direct Selling is a niche industry, many HR executives consider that a mixed hiring approach brings …[more]
All organizations have to make new managerial hires sooner or later. If business is thriving, it is inevitable. Perhaps the signs are positive. Your Direct Selling firm is busy, and you are reaching out to new territories and markets. The timing seems right, too (here’s a previous checklist to confirm). …[more]
Your Direct Selling firm is experiencing unprecedented growth. There’s been an unexpected but necessary change among your staff. You’re expanding into new territories and markets. These reasons—and more—are signs you likely need to hire new managerial staff. It goes without saying that the right hire should serve your firm’s current …[more]
Finding, onboarding, and retaining talented employees are part of the foundation of success for any organization. A recent survey shows that many employees hunger for five basic things in the workplace: mentoring, coaching, support from a direct manager and support from upper management. Direct Selling offers each of these in …[more]
Every organization, regardless of size, product, or industry, needs to find and retain talented employees. The best people out there are always on the lookout for new opportunities, according to a recent survey, making it even more challenging for companies to keep those they have happy. Company leaders can implement …[more]
Social media has proven to be an invaluable tool for businesses of all types and Direct Selling is no exception. While focus groups and surveys can be effective tools, Direct Selling executives should consider turning their R&D efforts to mining social media. However, Direct Selling, by its very nature, may …[more]